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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thing #4 Register the Blog

This small task proved to be difficult for me. Thus the What??? I have to take a second shot at it and read carefully to make sure I had completed all the steps needed to register. Makes me think about all the times I fussed at my class this year for not following directions. Hmmm! Should take a little of my own advise.


arkreynolds said...

OK, let's see...fellow lion? Grade level...K-gtn or second? I'm ark's classroom...

Anonymous said...

Love the blog title! Fellow lion, huh? Let's see...here's my guess: you've gone to trainings with my husband and know my youngest daughter very well?

arkreynolds said...

I hope your having fun with 23 Things...it's a great way to learn a lot about web tools at your own pace (within parameters dates) and without the pressure. I think you'll find that most people who have taken part are very willing to help answer questions or offer help when you need to ask for assistance.

What threw me was the "Enron" info because I didn't realize your husband had worked there. I'm glad the grant ideas were helpful.

tech gal with a tech goal said...

Hi there, joining late to the party too much to do so little time and of course a lots of WHAT?? Myself.
Likewise a very appropriate Avatar :)