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Friday, June 13, 2008

Thing #12 Commenting

I found the piece about commenting under an alias interesting. I took some time to think about that. I think that commenting under an alias makes me more honest about my responses. Some of the people I work with know who I am but not everyone. If you know me you could easily figure out my alias using my comments on my blogs and I think that makes it kinda fun. We have had some fun at my school trying to find each other by reading the blogs.

The other piece I found interesting was the blog on commenting. I totally agree with everything she wrote. Dont' comment just for commenting sake. Make sure your comments are meaningful. I felt bad sometimes reading someone's blog then not leaving a comment, but now I can do so without feeling guilty.

I searched google blogger. I found one article about 18 month olds at Disneyland, which I read and enjoyed because we are going to DL with my two year old next month. I tried to comment there but they used a different system so I would have had to sign up there to comment. Didn't sign up for something else. After that I searched for micro preemies, since I had one of my own, I thought I would be able to add some meaningful comments there. I found an amazing story and commented there. This one was interesting because the comment was held to be approved by the blogger. Very appropriate since the blog is about the miracle that is now their life.

1 comment:

Stasia said...

I totally agree with the idea of commenting more honestly when using an alias. I am an outspoken person, but it's much easier to lay out the truth under the guise of another name!