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Friday, June 13, 2008

Thing #14

I realize I am doing several things at a time, but having a 20 mo. old. You take the time when you can get it. He has started this "cute" screaming thing when he sees me on the computer. So...thus the completion of several sessions at a time when he sleeps! OK...now the task at hand. I perused technorati. I am very interested in what people have to say. It is almost addictive. I found a cool blog telling me about little ones a Disneyland then to preemies with the precious lesson. I can see where you could spend your whole day reading and commenting on blogs. But in reality...we just don't have that kind of time. I like the tagging idea. Then I could tag the amazing story I was reading about the micro-preemie and keep up with her progress. I could also add our story and find more miracles there. I think there would be a lot of benefit in tagging blogs to find peoples thoughts about topics of interest. It could save you a lot of heart and head ache by giving you a real persons perspective of an event rather than the text book definition of things that is libel to scare the stuffing out of you!

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